The gospel is more relevant to me now than ever before, and I’ve been a Christian for 25 years. I truly love the gospel. There really is nothing in the world like it. It has the power to refresh, transform, and resurrect a dead soul!

In the beginning of this week, I was feeling dead tired. If you know me, I’m pretty easy going, but my mind was so tired that I found myself snapping at my family. Every little thing annoyed me. And all I wanted to do was to drop everything and hide myself in a cave somewhere and hibernate for a season. Perhaps all the pressure and stress from the Easter season and aftermath were catching up to me. I was asking many “why” questions and they were directed toward God. And they weren’t innocent child-like why questions, but more, accusatory, complaining why questions. But I have been in this condition enough times to know that I was operating on my flesh and not on the strength of the Holy Spirit. And I knew how to bring about the new spirit in my soul.

The gospel.

I am not defined by what I do but what Christ has done for me.

My worth is not in what people say about me but in what God thinks of me (I’m worth His Son’s life!)

I am more wicked than how I was feeling and yet more loved than I could ever imagine.

Jesus lived the life I should’ve lived and given me the credit.

Jesus died the death I should’ve died and paid for my guilty conscience.

God so loved me that He gave His only Son…

The gospel!

After work, rather than going straight home, I went to a local park and walked the trail as I was preaching to myself the gospel. And that led naturally to repentance and a sweet conversation with God. And I could feel my heart swell up with joy and hope once again. And God reminded me that I wasn’t called to success, but to obedience. That was good enough for me. It is a privilege to be given a task to obey Him.

Rejoice in the Lord!