Posts from May 2014

110 of 13 items

Midlife Crisis?

by PH

Ever felt like you are wasting your life? Especially as a Christian, when you don’t see the fruit of your labor, you wonder why you live the way you do? That thought crossed my mind… After preparing breakfast for my girls and brewing coffee for my wife this morning, I took a walk to pray […]

Why We Can’t Work for Salvation

by PH

Would God really not accept in the end those who tried really hard to live a good life just because they didn’t put their faith in Christ? Often, these people are far better than many Christians as far as being moral, modest, and giving are concerned. But because they didn’t trust in the finished work […]

Memorial Day Devotional

by PH

There is no freedom without sacrifice. The freedom we enjoy today is because someone sacrificed for it yesterday. Whenever I see a WWII veteran or a Korean War veteran, I want to stand up and salute. As a South Korean descent, I am here because of sacrifices that many American soldiers have made 65, 70 years […]

Don’t Judge???

by PH

“Don’t judge!” is one of the most misquoted verses in the Bible. How many of us started a conversation, “I don’t mean to judge….,” and felt guilty for doing so? But do we know that it wasn’t an absolute command? “Do not judge, or you too will be judge.” Matt 7:1. What Jesus was commanding was […]

Disneyland and Jesus

by PH

“A taste of Disneyland!” is how it was advertised – an amusement park that sat on top of a shopping mall in Korea. This was in the 1980’s when S. Korea was still a developing country. And not knowing any better, my teenage heart told me that it was the greatest amusement park I have […]

What Makes Us O.K. to God?

by PH

We need salvation from our justification. What is it that justifies you? What is it that makes you think, “Because of this, I’m all right in God’s sight.” What is it really that makes you think that you are acceptable to God? Mine could easily be, “I’m laboring for the souls of these people as […]

Why We Don’t Want Grace

by PH

  Some people would rather earn their salvation than be given it. You hear them say, “I don’t think I deserve anything I didn’t earn. I make sure I work for everything that is mine. I don’t want to owe anyone anything!” Although that seems very noble and honorable, at the root of it is […]

Success & Obedience

by PH

How do you see success or lack of success in your life? How much of it do you attribute to yourself? How much to the circumstances? Early in Jesus’ ministry, John the Baptist’s disciples were alarmed by Jesus’ popularity. Particularly, they point out that more people are being baptized by Jesus than their master, John. […]


by PH

I’ve had this body of mine for 43 years. That’s a long time to have something with you the whole time. I don’t have anything else I’ve kept nearly as long. But like all things, it is slowly breaking down. My hairs have fallen out, and the hairs that didn’t are turning gray. Some of […]

A Battle in the Park

by PH

The gospel is more relevant to me now than ever before, and I’ve been a Christian for 25 years. I truly love the gospel. There really is nothing in the world like it. It has the power to refresh, transform, and resurrect a dead soul! In the beginning of this week, I was feeling dead tired. […]