
Some of the most significant events in history were unnoticed by the masses while they were happening. Lesson? Something very significant could be brewing right where you are and you not notice it!

The death of Jesus was such an event. Yes, we know that that single carpenter’s life and death made more difference in the history of the world than possibly all of the rest of the famous people put together (Even unbelievers will have to concede this point). But while it was happening, it was just another mundane day at the office for the Roman soldiers and the Jewish leaders who were happy that they got rid of another of those “rebellious type.”

Crucifixions were common in those days. Rome often crucified its subjects to show its power and control. It ruled by fear. So, when Jesus was crucified, it was just another cog in the wheel that was eliminated…

But since, the mighty Rome that ruled the earth for 1,000 years fell. The Israel was no more, the temple being razed to the ground. And the fame of Jesus Christ spread northward to Europe, changing its culture, arts, science, laws – just about every aspect of it. And for 1,800 years, influenced the world in all those areas. Then, His influence moved westward to United States and southward to South America, affecting every aspect of lives. Now, as we speak, His influence is moving southward to Africa and eastward to Asian countries. The fastest growing churches in the world are in China!

But when this movement started 2,000 years ago, at the epicenter of its happening, not many were aware. Just a handful of ragtag group of fishermen and their carpenter leader talking about changing the world….

Be faithful with little. Not that you will repeat what Jesus Christ has done (No one will). But it’s a lesson that something significant could be brewing right where you are and you not notice it.