
What evidence is there in your life that you are a child of God?

What have you done differently specifically because your faith is in God that you would not otherwise have done?

When the rich young ruler in Luke 18 asks Jesus what he has to do to gain eternal life, Jesus doesn’t tell him to believe in Him. But rather, He tells him to sell everything and follow Him! But we all know that that’s not how someone gets saved. A person is saved only by putting his faith in Jesus Christ (or believing in Him). Then, why does Jesus tell him to take certain action?

Jesus is not telling the man that he is saved by what he does. He is telling the man that if he were truly saved, he would be able to give up his wealth. In other words, Jesus is asking the man for the evidence of his faith – the fruit of faith if you will.

In the very next chapter, the man Zacchaeus is proclaimed by Jesus to be saved. But what does Jesus look at to make that assertion? The fruit of his faith, which is his willingness to give away half of his wealth.

In other words, genuinely saved people WILL display external fruit that is in line with their belief. Jesus sought for these fruits in the lives of those people who claimed to be saved.

More specifically, if Jesus were here and He wanted to know whether you are His child, He wouldn’t ask you if you have believed in Him, but rather He would ask you whether you have made specific, dramatic changes in your life as evidence of your faith! 

So, have you? What would be really different about you and your lifestyle if Jesus were truly the one you worshiped? (You understand we all worship something, don’t you?)

Please understand that this is not from the tone of accusation but from love and tenderness.

Consider hard: Is Jesus enough?