Ever sighed deeply wishing things to be different? And heaven seemed even more attractive not because Jesus is there but because you just want to get away from here? (Or a long vacation in Hawaii!)
I had one of those moments yesterday afternoon. I was in the library preparing for the church’s move and was beginning to be overwhelmed. Stressed. Even discouraged… And you know what happens when you are in that state. All the negative and discouraging things that happened in the past started flooding into my mind. “You are so lame. You can’t do anything right. Look at others in your position. Look at how successful they are, but you? You are worthless! No good for anything or anyone!”
I realized I was listening to my flesh. I was evaluating myself according to the world. I needed the gospel.
I had to remember all that I said to you in my sermons! I had to force myself to remember my own sermons about how our significance does not lie in our appearance, performance, or status but in being the child of God. That, I’m not to rejoice or be saddened by how the ministry is going (ultimately) but rather that my name is written in the book of life.
“… do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Luke 10:20
Jesus said this to his disciples who were so happy that they had spiritual powers and was successful in ministry…
So, I began to meditate on that – that my name is written in the book of life, and that means so much more than having a successful ministry, making good money, having fame, etc. And the reason for my hardship is not because God is punishing me but that He is treating me as His child. It’s a sign of love; not a sign of condemnation.
I needed to gaze at Christ, remember who I am in Christ, rest in Him, and then act. (Credit to Paul Tripp)
I’m much better this morning. I’ll try to continue to preach the gospel to myself throughout today. You do the same.