Posts from April 2014

110 of 14 items

What Tragic Events Remind Us

by PH

I’ve been following the news of the South Korean ferry that sank on Korean news channels. Death toll is now at 212 and expected to reach 302 – 90 are still missing, buried under the sea… What makes it all the more heartbreaking is that most were 16, 17 year olds. The parents of these […]

Just Another Day?

by PH

Some of the most significant events in history were unnoticed by the masses while they were happening. Lesson? Something very significant could be brewing right where you are and you not notice it! The death of Jesus was such an event. Yes, we know that that single carpenter’s life and death made more difference in […]

Hard to Love People

by PH

It is hard to love people. Especially, people who are not like you and are strangers to you…. Have you gone to a public place and ever just observed people and what they are doing? And thoughts like, “How can they be like that?”, “Why would anyone wear that?”, or “How can they treat their […]

Is Jesus Enough?

by PH

What evidence is there in your life that you are a child of God? What have you done differently specifically because your faith is in God that you would not otherwise have done? When the rich young ruler in Luke 18 asks Jesus what he has to do to gain eternal life, Jesus doesn’t tell […]

To keep from fainting….

by LD

2 Corinthians 5:4-For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened—not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life The paradox of being a Chrisian is never felt more than when we walk in hardship. The desire […]

Is "Duty" a Bad Word?

by PH

“Duty” has become a dirty word. It is seen as something we do even though we really don’t want to. So, if a husband said to his wife, “It is my duty to remember our anniversary and make it special,” the wife isn’t very impressed. He only seems to be doing it only because he […]

A Sinking Ship

by PH

By now, you have no doubt heard the news about the South Korean ferry full of high school students sinking off the coast. There are more than 270 still trapped in the cap-sized boat and chances of their survival are ever diminishing with passing time (Air pockets underneath the cap-sized ship are their only chance). […]

The Gospel Drug

by PH

I am not sure of the wisdom of calling the gospel “drug,” but that’s precisely what I feel it is. But it’s the drug that heals rather than destroys… Usually, the beginning of each week, I hit an emotional, spiritual low. The spiritual high of the weekend comes down and I’m at an ebb. That’s […]

Hell vs. Heaven

by PH

What makes hell unbearable is that our desires are never fulfilled. Imagine being so thirsty your tongue is sticking to the roof of your mouth, but there will never be water! Imagine being lonely and wanting intimacy, but being in solitary confinement forever. Imagine being dead tired, but your heart is beating so fast that […]

New Heaven and New Earth

by LD

Many have asked, “If God is all powerful and loving, why does He allow bad things in my life?” But I have yet to be asked, “If God is all powerful and holy, why does He allow good things in my life?” God, being so holy, loving, and majestic and we, being so unholy, selfish, […]