Posts from March 2014

1113 of 13 items

Are You Happy?

by PH

Are you happy? No? It’s probably because you are rich. Based on what we have, own, have access to, we should be the happiest people on earth. If you’ve only lived in the U.S., then you have no idea how privileged you are. Most of your complaints, others would only dream that they had that […]

A Child’s Play

by PH

It is fascinating watching my kids play. They love to pretend they are grown ups and mimic the adult world – such as going to store and paying for things, or playing teacher, or going out to eat at a restaurant, etc. It is their way of preparing for the “real” world, I presume. In […]

Wish You Saw God? Think again!

by PH

I have noticed something intriguing about how God works:1) He only appears to those He is calling at crucial moments of history. 2) He almost never appears before His adversaries (enemies). 3) He usually works in the background (without appearing) through ordinary people in the meantime. There is an exception to #2. A few times […]