It occurred to me during our recent Community Group that every single one of our problems has the same root. And therefore, the same solution to them all.

Our problem is our inability to see. Inability to see the whole picture. Inability to see our problem in the context of eternal life…

– Why do we get so upset when we get cut off by another car? Because we can’t see how insignificant that is (We are delayed 2 seconds maybe?)
– Why do we utter angry words at people? Because we can’t see that they are people whom Christ died for.
– Why do we worry about money? Because we can’t see that we’re going to die soon anyway and be with Jesus.
– Why do we get so bogged down with sin? Because we can’t see that Christ and what He offers is better.

What we are really lacking is this: Faith. Because faith is seeing.

“But I thought faith was the opposite of sight?” Yes. Faith is the opposite of sight. But it is not blind. It is seeing. How so? It is seeing the invisible. It is the opposite of the sight of visible things. But it IS seeing the invisible. It is the ability to see past the visible into the invisible.

Now you see why all problems are rooted in the inability to see the invisible. All problems (sins) are because of lack of faith (being able to see the invisible). “Everything that does not come from faith is sin!” Rom. 14:23

What is the remedy? It is seeing whatever situation at hand with eternal life in mind. That is same as saying, “Have faith!”

When you are stuck in a slow line at the check out, think: “How will losing 2 minutes here impact my eternal life?”
When you are not selected for that job, think, “God will give me the earth as inheritance!”
When you are anxious about being single for the rest of your life, think, “I’ll be unmarried anyway in heaven. Besides, Jesus is my Bridegroom.”
When you are working with difficult people, think, “I was worse to Jesus and yet He died for me!”

Faith is taking your eyes off your current circumstance and gazing at Jesus.

Lord, increase our faith!!!