In my recent conversations, I’m hearing more and more of you saying that you are striving to live contrary to what comes naturally. For example, rather than being discouraged and blaming God for a difficult circumstance, you are deciding to trust God that He knows best. That is very encouraging indeed!

You’ve heard that “Christ died so that we might live.” But that doesn’t tell the whole story. Truth is, Christ died so that we might die with Him. And He was raised, so that we might be raised with Him.

In the former, no death is necessary on our part. That’s the American way. That’s the prosperity gospel. “Christ suffered so we need not suffer! Therefore, let us live like kings since we are the children of the King!” However, the biblical way is the opposite. It constantly tells us to die to ourselves. We must die with Him if we are to live with Him!

Romans 6:5, “For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.”

But that seems contrary to the gospel, does it not? Isn’t the gospel that Christ has done all the work so that we do not have to? Yes, no work is necessary in earning our freedom and salvation. That is a gift. However, much work is necessary to put to death our flesh once our salvation has been earned by Christ.

We put to death our flesh daily so that our spirit may live. We kill our “old self” all day long so that our “new self” will thrive.

But what is our old self? What is this flesh we need to put to death? (Until we are specific, we won’t do it!)

– Our sense of entitlement (“I deserve this!”)
– Our ambitions and goals apart from Christ. (“I want to accomplish this by this age.”)
– Our anger (“Things are not going MY way!”)
– The desire to be in control at all times. (It’s everyone else’s fault)
– Envy (“Only if I have what they have….”)
– Pride (“I’m so much better than you!” although we would never say it)
– Judging self-righteously. (“I would never do that!)

Be vigilant. Know your weakness. Know where your flesh is strong. Kill it. Step on it constantly so that it will not raise its ugly head.

Then, you will have the joy of the Lord!