Silence of God does NOT mean absence of God.

Just because we do not hear from God does not mean that God is not there, nor does it mean that God is not active.

The Book of Esther never mentions the word “God” in it. Nor does it mention God directing them to do certain things or take certain actions. It seems that God is silent. But when you read the turn of events that are in the book, it is unmistakable that God was working and active in saving and advocating His people.

If you are unfamiliar with the book, it’s about a Jewish girl named Esther. She was an orphan raised by her uncle, Mordecai. The King of the land gets displeased with his queen, dumps her, and looks for a new queen. They hold a beauty contest to select the new queen, and Esther wins the contest. In the meantime, there is a plot by an evil official, who hated the Jews, to kill all the Jews in the land. But Esther, finding out the plot, uses her clout with the King to convince him to take action toward saving the Jews. In the end, the Jews are saved, the evil official is executed, and her uncle, Mordecai gets promoted. (Happy ending!)

God never told Esther that He made her a queen so that she will save the Jews. Her mission was never spelled out for her. The circumstances around her simply presented themselves for her to act courageously. At one point, her uncle turns to her and says, “Who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14) And Esther decides to put her life on the line to do what is right.

Sometimes, God does not give us direct commands. Oftentimes, we can’t even hear Him. He seems silent. But that doesn’t mean that we sit on our hands and do nothing. Our circumstances will present themselves for us to act on. Sometimes we must be courageous and put our lives on the line in order to act. It will be uncomfortable. It will be risky. But does it advocate the good of God’s people? Does it serve the masses at the expense of myself? Will it ultimately honor God if I took this action?

“If I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:17).

You are already dying. What are you afraid of? Do that which is courageous (difficult) and God-honoring!