Posts from July 2013

1116 of 16 items

The Face of Evil in the Mirror

by PH

Evil. What images come to your mind when you hear that word? Mass murderer like Hitler? Child rapist? Sandy Hook shooter? Yes. They are certainly evil. But what about a college student seeking a career for her fulfillment? What about a man seeking for a wife that will make him happy? What about a mom […]

Sins of Our Nation

by LD

I’ve heard before a nation falls, the last vice it will get into is calling what is evil, good and what is good, evil. I cannot prove historically or biblically whether that’s true, but it must at least indicate that that nation is in such dire moral depravity that God would be righteous to judge […]

Absolute Conviction & Confidence

by PH

It is truly amazing what one person can do who has absolute conviction and absolute confidence in that conviction. One such person can change the course of history for thousands of years to come for billions of people. I know that sounds cliche and grand, but it really is true. I find such a person […]

Absolute Conviction & Confidence

by PH

It is truly amazing what one person can do who has absolute conviction and absolute confidence in that conviction. One such person can change the course of history for thousands of years to come for billions of people. I know that sounds cliche and grand, but it really is true. I find such a person […]

Whatever It Takes!

by PH

What is that you have the attitude of “Whatever it takes” toward? For this cause or this end, you are willing to sacrifice anything and everything? Do you have something that you believe in so much so that you’d be willing not only to die for but also to live for it? For Paul, such […]

The Great Deceiver

by PH

The great deceiver – I’m not talking about Satan. I’m talking about money. Several times I read in Acts where money is the reason why people reject the gospel. In one, a fortune telling girl loses her power because Paul drives the demon out of her. But her boss, who lost his source of income, […]