* Sorry this is one day late. Thanks to some for pointing out that I failed to send it out yesterday! =)

We don’t like to make commitments because they take away our freedom. Once we commit ourselves to something, we are stuck with that decision and are not free to do other things.

So, the devil made us think…

But the truth can be exactly opposite. Imagine a person not having any kind of commitments. He just floats free! But is he really free? No! He is dictated by whatever happens to need his attention or whatever the circumstances that surround him. In other words, he is bound by his own impulses and future unknowns.

Now, think of a committed person. He has made promises to be or do certain things for certain people. Now, HE is in charge. He’s not dictated by ever changing circumstances. He knows exactly where he needs to be and when.

But this freedom is felt only if he is enamored by the commitment he made. If the commitment he made was a drudgery and bore, he will feel stuck and bound. But if the commitment brings him joy and gladness, then he feels free!

So, imagine two married men equal in every life circumstance except one loves his wife and the other doesn’t. The one who loves his wife will feel so free in his marriage and wouldn’t think of getting out. But the one who doesn’t love his wife will feel stuck and bound. He’s looking for a way out. What’s the difference? One loves his commitment; the other doesn’t.

How do you feel about your commitment toward God?
How do you feel about committing to serve others at church?
How do you feel about your marriage certificate you signed?
If you are single, how do you feel committing the rest of your life to one person? (If you are not in love, that will sound like hell, but if you are, that will sound like heaven!)

Take me to you, imprison me, for I,
Except you enthrall me, never shall be free,
Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.
– John Donne