Are you god or is God God?

“Of course, I’m not god,” you would say. But what I’m asking is if you are in charge of your life or is Someone else?
– When you make decisions, what criteria do you follow in making them? (Will this please me or God?)
– When you get angry, is it because God’s honor is thwarted or yours?
– When you get depressed, is it because God is not being praised or you?

In your heart of hearts, is it really about you or about God?

Those who are the gods of their own lives will do anything to defend their godhood. This will come in the form of “autonomy,” “freedom,” “free-spirited,” “earning my dues,” “I deserve this,” etc. And when someone threatens this status, they will do anything to defend it. They would even choose a murderer over a philanthropist if the philanthropist is threatening this status.

“They shouted back, ‘No, not him! Give us Barabbas!” John 18:40

Isn’t it amazing that these intelligent people would rather free a dangerous murderer than to free a good man who told them that they were evil? “The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify about it that its works are evil.” John 7:7

Good things gone bad are fun (sin is good things gone bad). But good things gone good are even more fun.