Posts from May 2013

110 of 27 items

How to be Fruitful!

by PH

“To be fruitful, associate with the right people, think outside the box, work hard, maximize your god-given talents, and hone your skills.” That pretty much sums up how the world approaches being fruitful (or successful). And many churches and Christians have followed the same path to arrive at being fruitful. But is that necessarily the […]

As 1-The inseparable-Relationship and His Purpose

by PH

Good afternoon everyone, Ephesians 1:11-12-In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, 12 so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory As summer comes upon […]

Our Worst Moment = Our Greatest Moment?

by PH

What if I told you that your worst moment actually could be your best moment? What if the day you lost all hope was the day you gained something much more important? For the disciples, their worst moment was when Jesus was captured to be crucified. Three years of giving up everything to follow Jesus […]

As 1-Christians in the “rat race”

by PH

Good morning everyone, Ephesians 5:10-and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Figuring out what is pleasing to people we love, and trying to fulfill that desire is a very biblical principle. Because as we read the Lord desires us to seek and discern what is pleasing to Him as His children. But […]

As 1-Christians in the "rat race"

by PH

Good morning everyone, Ephesians 5:10-and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Figuring out what is pleasing to people we love, and trying to fulfill that desire is a very biblical principle. Because as we read the Lord desires us to seek and discern what is pleasing to Him as His children. But […]

Are You God?

by PH

Are you god or is God God? “Of course, I’m not god,” you would say. But what I’m asking is if you are in charge of your life or is Someone else? – When you make decisions, what criteria do you follow in making them? (Will this please me or God?) – When you get […]

Joy & Sorrow

by PH

Can we have joy and sorrow at the same time? Not according to the world. Either you are joyful or your are sad at one time. If things go your way, then you are joyful. But if things don’t go your way, then you are sad… But being a Christian is being able to experience […]

Joy & Sorrow

by PH

Can we have joy and sorrow at the same time? Not according to the world. Either you are joyful or your are sad at one time. If things go your way, then you are joyful. But if things don’t go your way, then you are sad… But being a Christian is being able to experience […]

As 1-Revealing the whole context

by PH

Good morning everyone Psalm 19:11-12-Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward. Who can discern his errors? Declare me innocent from hidden faults. The psalmist King David had just spent ten verses declaring how great God is in describing creation and His Word. I believe so we can see […]

What We Most Want

by PH

What is it that we most long for? Regardless of race, age, era, culture, we long to be one. One with those whom we love… – This is why we marry. We want to become one with another person. Physically, at consummation, the husband goes inside the wife and the result is a baby that […]