The only sin that is unforgivable is the sin we think is unforgivable. There really is no sin that is unforgivable. Any and every sin can be forgiven – even the sin of betraying the Son of God to His enemies. However, by thinking that some sins are unforgivable, we underestimate the greatness of God’s grace and mercy.

Can you imagine if Judas Iscariot had repented after having betrayed Jesus? I find it fascinating that in the book of Matthew (ch. 27), Judas’ feeling remorse and hanging himself is depicted immediately after the account of Peter denying Jesus and weeping in remorse. It’s almost as if the Holy Spirit is pointing at those two individuals to compare them. The only difference was that Peter knew that Jesus could forgive even that. Judas didn’t think so. But only imagine if Judas did! He could’ve been Paul! He could’ve made the greatest difference for the kingdom of Jesus if only he had come back to Jesus.

There is no sin that is too great that God cannot forgive. Do not insult God by telling Him that your sins are too great. His grace is greater. His mercy is deeper. Also, no sin in our past is so great that God cannot use us in the future. The story of Peter’s failure is in the Bible to remind us of this. It is Satan that accuses us to believe the lie. But believe the truth of the gospel!