Have you been saved from your justification? What I mean is whatever it is that justifies your existence – that makes your life worthy – have you been saved from it?

When we think about being saved, we normally think of being saved from sin – you know the bad stuff we used to do. But being a Christian is more than that. It is not only turning from our sins, but also turning from whatever that justified our existence, whatever gave our life’s worth and turning to God for those things. And very often, those things are good things such as our children, our career, our looks, our youth, etc.

Look into your heart and ask, “What is it that makes me feel I’m of worth?” “What is it that validates who I am?” “What is it that makes me acceptable in my own eyes?”

Possible answers:
“My children need me. They cannot survive without me. They give me meaning.”
“My career makes me feel worthy. I felt horrible about myself before I got this job!”
“It’s my looks. I like the attention I get because of the way I look and I feel superior although I’d never say it.”
“It’s my knowledge. I love reading and have insights to many things others don’t.”
“It’s my dedication to my family. Many would’ve left but I stuck it out!”
“It’s how much I’ve sacrificed to the Lord. I’m a church planter for crying out loud!”

But no one or nothing else can be our justification other than Jesus Christ. Christ alone makes our life worthy. He alone validates our existence. He alone can give significance to our life. Besides, if we make anything other than Christ be our justification, we will end up ruining it. Start living for your children, for example, you will be sure to ruin them!

Repent from your justification! Your worth comes only from Christ. Besides, the worth He gives us so much greater than any worth we can conjure up for ourselves. And experience peace like you never have before. “The fear of the Lord leads to life: Then one rests content, untouched by trouble.” Prov. 19:23


*credit to Tim Keller for the thought.