Forgiveness is difficult because our sense of justice is so strong. When something wrong is done to us, our sense of wanting to get even (justice) kicks in immediately. This is a natural, god-given instinct. It’s in little children (Just try giving one more cookie to the little sister and watch the older sister react), in those who have been cut off while driving, in those who did not get a promotion when he thought deserving of it, etc.
Therefore, it is natural to get even. It is divine to forgive. And to forgive, we must get beyond our instinct and beyond what comes naturally. In other words, we must go against our nature to forgive. But how? And more importantly why? Why should we forgive? Why should we not demand our rights? Why should we not demand what we deserve? Why should we not get even?
Because we have been forgiven an enormous debt by God. We owed a great debt of sin to God (10,000 talents in a parable told by Jesus which amounts to millions of dollars!) Yet, God forgave us of all our debts. But it costed Him dearly. Forgiveness always costs the one doing the forgiving. It costed God His Son’s life.
And Jesus says that we will be forgiven in the way we forgive. Matt. 18:35. “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.” (Thrown into jail [hell] and tortured until the debt is paid)
When we forgive, it will cost us something. At the least, the satisfaction of getting even. But when we are most Godlike is when we forgive. When we are most animal like is when we don’t.