Good afternoon everyone,

Hosea 6:1-"Come, let us return to the Lord; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up.

I remember growing up when being disciplined was a way of life. You saw it everywhere, in stores, playing in the park, almost anywhere. Now it seems almost the opposite, where you almost never see it, and when you do it’s surprising. Yet I think we as society haven’t gotten over the abuses of the act itself, and neglect the profound teaching and healing that should come with it, as God uses it.

The children of Israel lived to break God’s heart by always choosing other nations "gods" over their own true God. It wasn’t until God judged them severely did they finally come to the place of thinking about WHY and their ways. Finally caring enough to consider that they may be wrong.

God had to heal them from their past and the perspective they adopted from it. Are you in a place where God is trying to teach you why you drift(ed) away from Him? Many times are ways don’t seem wrong because we’ve always had them, and conformed to whatever the environment dictated. But healing comes when we see our ways compared to God’s and declare ours sick, and in need of healing. Discipline/judgment for the child of God opens the door for healing not condemning.

In His Love, Ld