Think about what you are enthralled by. Were you always enthralled by it from the beginning? My guess is not.

– I love classical music. It’s something I’d pay good money to listen to. But I didn’t feel that way at first. (Like you, it was elevator music at first)
– Playoff football is something I get excited for. But there was a time when I didn’t understand why anyone would watch or play such savage sport. (I was born and raised in Korea)
– I love children. But there was a time when they were nuisance and anomaly (not mine, but children in general).
– I love reading C.S. Lewis. But there was a time when I’d rather read Peanuts comics.

– I love Jesus. But there was a time when I didn’t understand what that meant.

How do you honestly feel when someone (such as a pastor) mentions that Jesus should be our greatest treasure, our delight, our source of joy, and that He is better than sex, Maui vacation, iPhone, and Seahawks in the playoffs? Do you get frustrated because you don’t really see it that way? Or do you relegate it to being just religious jargon?

Jesus is not just one of many pleasures. Jesus is the source of all good pleasures. Jesus is not just one among many joys. He is the source of all joys. Jesus is not just one wisdom in the world. He is the source of all wisdom in the world. He is not a mirror that reflect light. He is the sun!

“There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.” Matt. 17:2,3

Do you remember when Moses’ face shone after being on the mountain with God? Yet, his face was simply a residue of being with God – a reflection. But Jesus’ face was the SOURCE of all light. The light was within Him. That light is life. That light is source of all joy and treasure. He is the sun. Everything else is a reflection that fade over time.

Pray that God will reveal this Jesus to you.
Pray that He will remove spiritual blindness from your eyes.
Pray that you will feel passion and love at emotional level for this Jesus.

Happy New Year!