When I had first become a Christian as a teenager, I remember one friend sharing with me, “Hey, Soong-Yol (That’s my Korean name), I like you because you are not radical like other Christian friends I have.” What he really meant is that I seemed more balanced.

Have you come across those Christians that seemed just too fanatical? They never miss church. They actually read the Bible cover to cover. They pray in public! They talk about Jesus in normal conversations! And they want to go on mission trips!!! I mean, having a religion is good and all but we need a balance, don’t we? Besides, how can we attract people to Jesus if we seem so unbalanced and fanatical?

Jesus Himself was accused of the same thing by His own earthly family. When His mother and brothers came looking for Him, He turns to his disciples instead and says, “Here are mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” Matt. 12:49

Why was His family looking to speak to Jesus? Because they wanted to tell Him to tone down. They wanted to talk sense into Him. He was raising a ruckus and being too radical in having people follow Him. To this, His own family members told him to tone down.

What does Jesus say to this? In essence, He’s saying that those who are not following His way are NOT His family even though they may be blood-related to Jesus! After all, He did tell them to deny themselves, take up their own cross and follow Him. That’s pretty radical…

Ever heard these either from people or from an inner voice?:
“Do you really have to give that much to church?”
“Isn’t it too much of a sacrifice of your time?”
“Live a balanced life. Let spirituality be just one among many things you balance!”

Sorry, Jesus wasn’t balanced. Neither were His disciples. Neither the Christians described in the Bible.

Three options:
1. Be radical.
2. Be balanced (lukewarm).
3. Have nothing to do with Him.

Choose #2, He will spit us out. Choose #3, He will spit us out.

Consider this: You WILL die. Would you rather not die living for something that is truly worth living for – like Christ? Or would you rather die living for just more of what you have now?