Have you been rejected? I’m sure you have. I have, too. How did it feel? But have you been rejected over and over and over? I’m beginning to know what that feels like…

But there is another person who knows very well how that feels. Jesus. He was rejected over and over and over. But why would anyone reject Jesus? He is God, and He is good! He was rejected because He didn’t do what people wanted Him to do.

“To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others: “‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.'” Matt 11:17

In other words, people rejected Jesus because He didn’t conform to their expectations:

He didn’t heal them when they expected.
He didn’t overthrow the evil regime like they expected.
He didn’t perform a miracle when they expected.
He didn’t make things comfortable for them like they expected.
He didn’t follow the rules like they expected…

In other words, He wasn’t the messiah that fit into their lifestyle. They loved their lifestyle more than Jesus.

I’m wondering how many “Christians” are rejecting Jesus for this very reason. I don’t mean we reject Him as in “I don’t want to be a Christian!” kind of rejection. But more subtle – preferring our comfort, making small compromises here and there, deciding for ourselves certain sins are OK – type of rejection.

Please return to the Lord. He is better than whatever we are rejecting Him for.