It takes some adolescents longer than others to realize their foolish ways. I’ve seen some 25 year olds who are still rebellious, but then I’ve seen some 15 year olds who learned wisdom. Some people never get out of their adolescent years. Never learning responsibility and consequences of their actions. But when we finally get out of it, we always regret the years we have lost in rebellion. The shorter the better…

But I’m wondering if we have gotten out of our "spiritual" adolescence. God, being our Father, do we submit to Him in all things? Or are we still in the driver’s seat picking and choosing what we will obey and what we will not. When we do not agree with HIm on certain things, do we question HIm or do we question our own sense of justice?

Deut. 5:32, "So be careful to do what the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to th left. Walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess."

HOw does above verse come across to you? Oppressive? You are still in your spiritual adolescents. You do not understand God and His ways. Freedome-giving and joy-inducing? You understand the father-heart of God.

I love my girls dearly. I’d lay down my life for them. Tht’s why I give them rules. They think not having any rules will be better for them. But I know better. But I’m hoping that it won’t take me dying for them to convince them I love them and I gave those rules for their sakes. But what if it will take just that?

God was faced with that grim option and He chose to go through with it. If we truly understand it, our spiritual adolescence will end.