Good morning everyone

1 Corinthians 6:12-"All things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful for me," but I will not be enslaved by anything.

I believe one of the greatest strategies that the devil continues to lure us through is by his promise in the garden of Eden, "that whatever is pleasurable to your senses/flesh be your own god and enjoy it"-(my paraphrase of Genesis 3 vs 1-5). Of course now we know that our sin hasn’t been anything like freedom of pleasures but more like war.

Yet how easy is it to simply relax and find ourselves living in the indulgence of our most vulnerable comfort, it may not necessarily be a sin, but a heart and mind that could lead to it. The devil desires more than anything else for us to be devoted to Jesus in actions but have little space for Him emotionally. The devil knows that once our heart is elsewhere, duty doesn’t matter because they is no testimonial power in a heartless duty that has it’s affections elsewhere. I believe this explains "dying" personal relationships and churches.

But do we even recognize that once our heart is lured into affections for our greatest comforts and not Jesus, we will find every justification in the world to continue having them? Until we worship in "Spirit and Truth" as Jesus describes we will never have an authentic worship that fights against "the lie in Eden". In justifying our comforts the truth hurts and tells us we’re wrong. So until I can face my "relationship degrading" comfort and say it’s wrong and repent, unifying truth and deep affection for who is supposed to get it will never happen.

In His Love, Ld

On Jun 20, 2012 11:30 AM, "Soong-Yol Hong" <soongyol> wrote: It was fun watching the last two games of the NBA Finals with our Community Group family! D