We live in a bubble. Browsing Facebook confirms this. The Bible says people will be eating and drinking and being merry when the earth will be laid to waste.

"See, the Lord is going to lay waste the earth and devastate it; he will ruin its face and scatter its inhabitants…. The earth will be completely laid waste and totally plundered." Isa. 24:1, 3

But such doomsday proclamations seem so foreign to us. Even as Christians, we are embarrassed by them. We think to ourselves, "But such a thing hasn’t happened in 2000 years! Will it really happen?" It will! Everything God has said will happen has happened. Some of them so incredible and far-fetched that people of those times mocked those who warned them of them. Such as the flood during Noah’s time….

What are we to do? Live as the people of the light. Being transformed from being self-centered to God-centered and other-centered.
– From having a shopper mentality to a servant mentality regarding church.
– From asking, "What has he done for me lately," to "How am I supporting and encouraging Him" in marriage.
– From having a ownership mentality to a stewardship mentality in raising children.
– From caring more about the community than the individual (self) in relationships.
– From seeking God and His kingdom before we seek our own.

Ask God for help. These things cannot happen unless we are born again and have seen and experienced Christ.


p.s. Will the world really end on 12.21.12? I doubt it because Jesus said the "hour" is known to no one. But what if the world would end earlier?