Who is your god?

I believe that is the most important question of all time. Of course, if you are reading this devotional, you’d say “It’s God of Israel, you know, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – the Christian God!”

But what I want to ask is, “Really? Are you sure that is your god?” Most of us if we are honest, we would say, “My god is my family. My god is my body-image. My god is my career. My god is my life-style. My god is my money.”

What is it that right now if you are saying to yourself, “Only if I could have this?” “This” is more than likely your god.

To be fair, I asked myself the same question. What is MY only if? The answer should be, “Only if I could have more of God.” But unfortunately my answer is more, “Only if I could feel more alive…!”

Maybe I’ve hit midlife crisis early. No, I’m not discontent with my life. I’m so thankful for my family, for my church family, for living in the United States, for living in WA state, etc. But I can’t help but feel that this isn’t all there is to it. That there must be more.

Thankfully the Bible says there is! Even as Christians who know the source of eternal life in Jesus Christ, we find ourselves spiritually thirsty and empty. And we ask, “Jesus said, ‘if you drink from my well, you will never thirst again,’ but if so, why am I still thirsty? Do I not have Jesus in my heart???” Of course the mistake in asking such question is that we think we need to be filled just once and we will be filled for good. But it is faith that says that it’s not lack of Christ’s ability to fill us but our worldliness that looks to be filled in something other than Christ that is the source of our sin.

I know the temptation is real – to look for fulfillment elsewhere. If David was truly and finally fulfilled in God, whey did he commit adultery? If Moses has seen God so intimately, then why did he still sin at Meribah? This leads me to believe that even though our ultimate fulfillment will be found in Jesus Christ, we will have to learn to wait patiently for it. God gives us glimpses of it just enough for us to hang on to Him until the ultimate fulfillment in heaven!

Ps 14:1, “The fool says in his heart, “There is not God.” (I’d add, “The fool says there is no ultimate fulfillment in God.”)

Hang on… Even God will disappoint us if we expect the wrong thing.