When was the last time you denied Jesus? “Deny Jesus? Never!” might be your answer. And that would be my answer as well. But the fact of the matter is that we are not usually aware that we are denying Jesus when in fact we are.

In John 17, the priests and scribes plot to kill Jesus. Of course, they thought that they were doing the will of God. They were the good guys and Jesus was a rebel messing up their works. If they had known that Jesus was the Son of God, would they have treated Him that way? Of course not. But that is the point. Although they thought that they were doing what pleases God, in actuality, they were going directly against God.

We might think we are doing things for God, but in actuality we might be going directly against God.

For example?
We serve at church diligently hoping that God will see our good works and give us what we want.
We quote Scriptures to rebuke someone in moral failures when that person already knows it was wrong.
We justify our anger to be righteous anger when it’s simply an irritation.
We pronounce certain people not fit for our church because of their lifestyles.
We try to be more loving that Jesus by never correcting or rebuking a brother or sister in sin.

It is so subtle sometimes we need to constantly check our motives and be in the word to know the heart of God. Even so we go against God without knowing. That’s why we have other Christians around us to tell us. No one’s immune to correction or rebuke. Not me. Not you.

Let us love one another truthfully in Christ.