One of the last places we want to give to Christ is our thought life. Is it not?

We have relatively easy time curbing some of our behaviors, not frequenting certain places, disciplining ourselves in certain godly behaviors, etc. But when it comes to our thought life, frankly, we want to think what we want to think!

And this can go on indefinitely since no one really knows what we are thinking, and thus not subject ourselves to correction or admonition. But even our thoughts are to be made subject to Christ.

2 Cor. 10:4, “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

This means absence of certain thoughts as well as presence of certain thoughts. For example, this means that we ought not entertain certain thoughts. When our thoughts sometimes wander into a place where they must not go, we say, “I’m not going there. I refuse to think further about this.” This includes most of our worries, indecent images, resentment, past hurts, etc.

But it also means presence of certain thoughts that may not be there now. It means centering and linking as many happenings around us to Christ through our thoughts. How quick are we give credit to Christ? How often do we thank God? How often do we think about the gospel?

Last night, my wife and I were watching this one particular Korean Drama online that had very moving parts in it. And I thought, “how glad I am to God for these emotions of love and sacrifice. Through these (artificial) experiences, I can draw nearer to God since He is the One who created human emotions.”

It doesn’t have to have a Christian message specifically. Everything good is created by God. Therefore, we can link all good things – including Korean Dramas, music, movies, sports, etc – to the goodness and ingenuity of God.

Let Him be praised!