A girl told me long time ago, “Since God loves me, He won’t let anything bad happen to me.” Ironic thing was that her mom left her dad and took the children, of whom she was one, to the States to avoid the shame in Korea…

Back then, I didn’t know how to counter that even though I knew something wasn’t right about that statement. Would God let bad things happen to us if we behave and live a good Christian life?

The fear of the Lord comes when we realize that we cannot fit God in our box.

Job 23:13, “He does whatever he pleases… That is why I am terrified before him; when I think of all this, I fear him.”

Until Job was afflicted, his understanding was that as long as he is good and lives an upright life, God won’t let anything bad happen to him. But it was shattered when his 10 children were killed in a natural disaster and he himself suffered a terrible disease.

The fear of the Lord comes when we realize that we cannot tame God. He can take away my children or yours, at any minute. He can take away all that we hold dear – health, relationships, material things – in a moment’s time. And there is nothing that will guarantee that He won’t. Not our appeasing Him with our church attendance, tithes, prayer, sacrificial service, etc.

That’s why C.S. Lewis depicts Jesus as a lion (Aslan in Narnia). “Is he safe? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he is good. He is the king, I tell you.”

1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.”

Contradiction? How can we fear God and love Him at the same time? When our fear drives us TOWARD God rather than AWAY from God. If we understand that whatever “bad” things happen to us were really for our good. This perfect love comes from complete trust in His goodness. It may never be achieved in this life, but it will be achieved in the next…

Fear God so that you may live!