It is so much easier to see a problem from the outside than the inside.

It is so easy to pick out the flaws in others, but it is so difficult to do the same with our own flaws.

I think that’s also true when it comes to our nation. As Americans, it is so difficult to get outside of ourselves and see America for what it really is.

Consider the flaws of the nation Israel: Ps. 106:36, “They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons!”

How could they? How could they not see that sacrificing their children was wrong? Were they nuts?

They were enveloped in their culture. That’s what everyone was doing around them, and they simply followed them to their own destruction… Sadly, as wrong as it was, they couldn’t see it.

What about America? Looking in from outside, what would people from different cultures say about Americans?

We have our idols just the same. What are they? Let me name three…

1. Freedom: We absolutely adore freedom. How is this manifested? Choices. We think it’s evil to take away one’s choice. We feel violated when we are not given a choice. We as parents give choices even to our 3 year olds when they don’t know one from the other… Do you see it?

Are we willing to lose our freedom? Being a follower of Christ means foregoing having choices. If He is Lord, we are His subjects. We DON’T have a choice in how or when we will follow Him!

2. Physical Beauty: How many Christians spend more time working out, shopping for clothes, applying make-up than spending time with the Lord? Enough said…

3. Material Possession: Isn’t this why we are working so hard all the time – simply to maintain what we have?

Do you see it? Do you see slaves around you who are sacrificing their sons and daughters at the alter of (having a) choice, physical beauty, and material possession?

Let us worship God and God only.