Do you ever wonder whether there is a correlation between our effort and the outcome of our work?

Ff course, we naturally assume there is one until an inexplicable event arises.

For example, a healthy man who exercises everyday with no prior health issues drops dead of a heartattack. Or a health fanatic who only eats organic foods discovers she has cancer…

At those moments we shake our heads and think, “What is the point of doing anything when our efforts don’t seem to match up with their outcomes?”

But then we know that isn’t entirely true either, for so often the outcome does match up with our effort. What gives?

I found my answer here: Ps. 90:17, “Establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands.”

Although we may plan and work, it is the Lord who chooses which plans to execute and which works to establish!

Thus, what we do matters. We have no excuse for being lazy. But we are at the mercy of God for the desired result. He is the One who must establish our work.

So, to summarize: Work hard and pray hard!

Have a great weekend!