Hebrews 5:1-2-Every high priest is selected from among men and is appointed to represent them in matters related to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. 2 He is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray, since he himself is subject to weakness.

One of the more discouraging things a child faces with parents or any adult in their life is someone who is harsh with their ignorance and rebellion. Although it is difficult at times to be patient with kids or adults who do things that we "think" we’ve mastered, usually it is a sign of blind pride. To be harsh to someone who doesn’t know what we know, or is struggling with some particular sin we don’t struggle with (or anymore) is to give that person no hint at all that we want to understand them.

This is why in the Old Testament the High Priest served as a "type" of Christ, who would atone for Israel’s sins on the "Day of Atonement"/ "Yom Kippur". But unlike Christ the priest had to atone for his own sins as well, because he too could relate to the people’s weakness because of his own sins. But like Christ a High Priest was to exemplify Christ in character, by being gentle and patient, because how could the priest forget to be patient knowing that the sacrifice had to atone for his sins as well!

But now through Christ sacrifice for all who believe in Him, we are called a "royal priesthood" (1 Peter 2 v9). Yet too many times in homes with spouses and kids, or in church we are harsh and hyper-critical of people who are either ignorant or going astray. The reason being is that if we spend no time with God to see our own sin, and remember how patient and kind Christ has been with us (mercy), we will be blind to our own sins. Forgetting that we need to be cleansed from our sins daily, or moment by moment in our heart in most cases! If we are not seeking God, I am sure we are hyper-critical and harsh somewhere in our lives, and most often it is with the people we live or work with. These places are where our testimony is most needed, not in church. Unbelievers might be more comfortable to come to churches where they find people who are filled with the love of God inspite of glaring weaknesses. Such people witness to them a God who desires to forgive sins, and restore their brokenness by sending them His understanding "priest".