Something I misread this morning blessed me tremendously.

Psalm 21:4 says, “He asked life of you; you gave it to him, length of days forever and ever.”

But I read it as, “He asked life of YOURS; you gave it to him…” In other words, I read this psalmist requesting for God’s life rather than requesting for a life.

Of course this misreading alarmed me – “How can the psalmist be so audacious to ask for God’s life? How dare he?” – but taking a second look made me realize that He was not asking for God’s life, but a life.

But what if the psalmist had asked for God’s life? What if the psalmist said, “God, your life for mine. Your blood for mine. I want your perfect life and you have my imperfect life!” What if that’s what the psalmist had requested?

God would have granted it. He had granted it in Chris Jesus.

Christian life is such that we have God’s life. The God of very god lives in us. And our imperfect life has been put on Him. It was His life for ours. His blood for ours. His death for ours…

You know what this means? This means we don’t have to do anything!

We don’t have to do anything to be accepted by God. We don’t have to do anything to prove our worth. We have His life. We have His worth!

What if we really believed this? What if we reminded ourselves of this fact every time we feel depressed?

How happy we would be! How glad! How joyful! Soon, people will want what we have. Probably the best way to evangelize.

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Phil 4:4)