Good morning everyone,

Psalms 3:5-7- I lay down and slept, I woke again, for the Lord sustained me. 6 I will not be afraid of many thousands of people

who have set themselves against me all around. 7 Arise, O Lord! Save me, O my God! For you strike all my enemies on the cheek; you break the teeth of the wicked.

Just to give you the context, David is praying to God after he found out his own son Absalom wants to kill him! Not wanting to go to war with his own son he naturally flees from him. So in reading this prayer we can see how David is not just worried about his life, but worried and heartbroken over the relationship between him and his son. Yet he is seeking the Lord to be his peace in order to sustain him against such an attack.

I believe this is a great psalm to address the kind of worry that attacks our souls confidence in Jesus. David mentions his sleep at a time of being attacked and waking up to see that the Lord sustained him. What is interesting about this is that worry comes from being too conscious about something that may or may not happen. While sleep is the exact opposite of being too conscious! To be sleeping is to be totally unconcious of what is going on. Yet in this state of being totally unconcious it is the Lord who sustains him in the midst of such distress. So we can say that David was at his greatest peace when he removed himself from being overly conscious about his situation, and allowed God to be God.

There are many things that bombard our souls that could give us any reason to worry to the point of "dis"-ease. Yet many times we are decieved by our own self assurance and "god complex" that it takes us immersing ourselves in a situation in order for it to turn out peacefully. But in reality the more we think about whatever it is, is the degree we worry about it. Yet worrying lets us know we can do nothing about it, or we wouldn’t worry but just fix it! Like David we must rely on Jesus, and get to the place where even if we are conscious about a thing, worrying is pointless (Matthew 6 v27). True faith and trust in Jesus reminds itself that God doesn’t need us in those times of worry to even be conscious to fulfill His promises and purpose in our lives.

In His Love, Ld