Can you believe the unbelievable freedom and wealth we are enjoying?
We are free to read the Bible. We are free to gather and worship Jesus. We are even free to talk to others about Jesus. We are free to raise our children in the Lord!
Not only do we have the freedom, but we have unprecedented wealth and affluence. We all live in houses that are rain-proof. We have running water in our houses and indoor toilets! We have refrigerators that are filled with food! Even our cars have their own houses. We BUY special food for our pets!
Can you believe how unbelievably free and wealthy we are?
Reading the Book of Revelation (I read ch. 13 today), I’m reminded how vast majority of Christians over the course of history suffered terribly for their faith. Many were burned alive, thrown off the cliffs, crucified, pregnant women stabbed, babies were dashed to the rocks, etc. Why? Because of their faith in Jesus.
And if Revelations is right as we believe it is, it will soon pick back up again. Our lives will be threatened. Our children’s lives will be on the line. We will have to make a choice between Christ or ourselves.
But whether that will come in our lifetime or not, we know one thing for sure. All those who have gone before us who suffered for their faith, they have paved the way for us to live in freedom and to make God’s name great among the nations.
Are we making good on their sacrifices? More than that, are we making good on the sacrifice that Christ made – of whom every other martyr imitated?
Our freedom is not for us.
Our wealth is not for us.
Glorify God boldly!