Good morning everyone,

Corinthians 4:3-4
3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me.

I’ve learned especially after becoming a Christian that there are many ways to listen. Whether that be entertainment, reading, people, etc. Listening carefully becomes very important to how you see and respond to each and every situation. For instance you could be halfway listening to someone while the TV’s on. Or barely listening to what a book might be saying when you have a lot background noise. All of those things impair our ability to listen clearly and respond appropriately to what we may have “heard”.

Yet active listening is what I believe seperates a disciple of Christ from the average church-goer in our country. Because as Paul states whether people judge him or not, he really isn’t concerned or listening to that. I’m sure that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t take a rebuke from a brother in Christ or an encouragement. But I believe it does mean that other people’s rebuke or praise is not the final judgment as to whether he approves himself or not (vs4). Sadly many Christians stop at other people’s judgment or their own. As long as silence or praise (and not correction) is coming from people many of us continue on as if God is satisfied with our faithfulness to Him. Yet when we allow the Lord to be the final say in our life, then correction or encouragement from Him will allow for true godly peace in the conscience of our soul. Therefore giving us a confidence that doesn’t lie in the approval or disapproval of people or ourselves.

However, I believe this is why we as Christians can become so insecure among one another and the world. Because we actively listen to the final judgment of ourselves and people who we feel we ought to be approved by. Yet whether people “acquit” us or not, if they are our final judge we become their slave. So everything I do must be for their approval. The problem with that is, there will be times in our lives where no one agrees with us or may not even like us for what Christ calls us to listen to and obey! Yet that shouldn’t matter if how and what I am doing is pleasing to God. I believe the Lord orchestrates those specific seasons in our lives to see who we are worshipping, people or Christ Himself (Galatians 1 v10). We must remember that to live out the gospel, the blood of Jesus and obedience to what He says is the only justifier of our sins. His approval alone is the only relief from the “heavy baggage” of guilt and insecurity (Hebrews 9 v14).

In His Love, Ld