John 15:13, There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s brother (friends). NLT
In class this week a question was posed to the audience, “Who do you think American’s trust the most?”
In a nation-wide Sociology survey/poll, majority of Americans did not respond and say their mother, father, brother, sister or family at all for that matter.  They did not say their friends, pastor, teacher coach…the most common response was…a Soldier.
So then the question was, “why?!”  And it is the belief that the American Soldier has vowed to give their life for their country, and if it all came down to it, the average American feels a Soldier will jump in front of a bullet for them to save their life and that automatically exudes TRUST.  Bottomline, you are willing to save my life = trust.
This really challenged me!  I immediately realized- and that is how we will win the trust of our community.   PH has mentioned belonging before believing, and I fully agree with this statement.  So how do we gain the trust of our community to even want to belong?!  We gain their trust.  How do we gain their trust…we continue to remember that our focus is outward, on them- as part of our vision and mission statement.  Though a Soldier can save someone’s physical life, our community needs to know that we are here and would give our all to save them from their SPIRITUAL death which is far more significant.  Our community must see As One as the sacrificial selfless servants agressive to save their souls- the Lord’s Army! We are Soldiers of the Cross, willing to get deployed to the ugliest parts of our community, willing to provide humanitarian assistance, feed the hungry, cloth the naked, befriend the rejected- for the sake of their soul being saved and one day entering the gates of heaven- HALLELUJAH!  I truly believe if most churches realized just how much their community is dying around them- how much more agressive would we be to reach out and be a true Warrior, Soldier for the Kingdom.  WOW, what a challenge?!  I hope this encouraged you as much as it did me!
God bless you all and the rest of your week!!
Your sister, Ange

**As One Community Church**
One Body, One Spirit, One Hope in Christ (Eph 4)